Thursday, February 5, 2009

DTV Delayed Until June 2009

Have we become a country that cannot be counted on to do what we say we are going to do?

Today it was announced that the digital television switch that was mandated by the federal government to take effect on February 12th has been delayed until June of this year. The government stated that we are not ready for the switch. I fear that in the eyes of the rest of the world, we are going to loose even more credibility than we already have.

In 1975 Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act which "suggested" that the US start to use the Metric System (SI) as the preferred measurement standard. It set no time limit for the conversion and to this day, we are a nation of the Imperial System.

In 2004 the US finally decides to put a deadline in place at which all US citizens must posses a passport for international travel, December 2005. Later in 2005 the deadline was changed to December 2006. In September of 2006 the deadline was changed to January 2007. The current deadline is June 2009.

So this June will be a busy time for us. You will need to get a converter box for your rabbit ears, you will need to have your passport and what the heck, you will need to know your height and weight in Meters and Kilos.

All kidding aside, if you have ever hired a company or an employee and they promise to meet all of your deadline and at the last minute have an excuse on why they won't be able to, how likely are you to trust them when late won't do?


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