Hope that you enjoy "Broken"
Lyrics | Evanescence lyrics - Broken lyrics
Everyone is broken...I heard someone on TV say that and I thought, how true. We have all suffered from a broken heart which for most of us first happened in grade school. We have all broken our promises from time to time and we have all broken the law by using our mobile phones while driving. So being broken is as much a part of our lives as being honest. But, like being honest, being broken can be a positive thing. Broken eggs are required for making a delicious omelet or a birthday cake for a great celebration. "Break in case of an Emergency" signs require us to break the glass in order to sound an alarm that can save lives. Breaking bad habits can help us to achieve our goals which is always a positive thing. So destruction can be a good thing!
So the next time that you have a yummy chocolate bar, break off a piece and share it with a friend...
So true Charles!! And I love the analogies!! I think only in heaven will we no longer be broken :)