Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oil execs do the "Potomac two step" again.

Yesterday Congress called the executives from the large oil companies to once again answer questions on the rising price of petroleum based fuel. And once again the execs tried to spin the focus on "aren't you mister big oil man concerned with your fellow Americans increasing burden of spending more and more of their monthly budget on gas" to "if you let us drill more in the US, then there would be more oil available on the market to lower prices". Then they were asked if they could lower their profits of an average of 600 billion and they reply that they have to answer to their share holders.
One of the main reasons for the expedited rise in Diesel fuel price is that we are EXPORTING diesel to countries like China and India because they pay more for it than we do in America. Shouldn't we be first in line for the fuel? Any surplus can be exported at a higher rate. We are giving this great country away, bit by bit.
Another puzzling thing is the oil reserve. We have been pumping oil into it for decades, yet it never fills up? Who is at the other end draining it out. How big can the storage tanks be? Is this just a shell game? How stupid do they think that we are??


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